Our Perfect Yosemite Day Trip

We spent one day and two nights in Yosemite. Was it enough time? You bet. Could we have used more time? Of Course! Below I will detail our journey from LAX to Yosemite, and how we managed to score a perfect day in Yosemite National Park. Day 1 - Friday, May 11th (Check-in): We spent a total of about eight hours driving from LAX to the Redwood Lodge with a few stops along the way. We stopped three times. Once for lunch, once for coffee/stretch break, and once to pick up groceries for dinner and breakfast for the next couple of days. Here is the breakdown of our day on Friday: 10:00am - Arrive at LAX to pick up family 11:00am - Stopped at the in-and-out in Van Nuys 1:30pm - Stopped at the Starbucks in Deleno 3:00pm - Stopped at Sprouts Farmer's Market in Fresno to pick up our food items for when in Yosemite 5:30pm - Arrived at The Redwoods in Yosemite We fired up the outdoor grill for dinner the moment we walked into the cabin. That gave us plenty of daytime to explo...