VirtualBox Shared Folders with Windows Host

As I'm wrapping up the Cloud Networking course on, I'm seeing a lot questions on week five's forums regarding how to transfer files from the guest VM(instructor provided image) to the host. Turns out VirtualBox makes this pretty simple. Below I will briefly outline the steps on how to configure persistent shared folders on the instructor provided VM(Ubuntu 14.04 image). 1. Create a folder on your host's Desktop. This can be called anything, but for my case, and for the sake of bash, I named it "CloudNetMOOCShared": 2. Go the VM's settings panel(Ensure it's powered off): 3. Navigate to the "Shared Folders" pane. 4. Click on "Create new shared folder" 5. Click on the drop down arrow next to "Folder Path:" 6. Click on "Other..." 7. Now you should be able to select a folder on your workstation. Select the folder created in step #1: 8. Ensure "Auto-mount...